About Be the Good Ones

No Good Deed is Ever Too Small

Welcome to Be the Good Ones, where small needs and good deeds make a big impact! Our mission is to uplift and support our community by addressing everyday challenges and spreading kindness through simple, yet meaningful actions.

One of the greatest gifts we can offer is time. Sharing a kind word, a sympathetic ear, or a helping hand can make all the difference for someone who is struggling. Our team saw a need in our community during a time when many were struggling. We realized that helping each other not only ensured that members of our community in need were cared for, but also that we were connecting at a time when many were drifting apart.

Who We Are

Founded on the belief that every act of kindness counts, Be the Good Ones is a dedicated group of volunteers, local business owners, and community members in Douglas, Elbert, and Arapahoe counties. We are committed to making life a little easier for those around us. We understand that sometimes it’s the small things that can make the biggest difference, whether it’s helping a neighbor with grocery shopping, providing school supplies to children and teachers, or organizing community outreach.

Our Mission

At Be the Good Ones, our mission is to create a caring and connected community by meeting small needs with great love and generosity. We aim to inspire others to join us in performing good deeds in our local communities and beyond, fostering a culture of compassion and support wherever we may be.

What We Do

  • Assistance with Everyday Needs: We offer help with tasks such as grocery shopping, running errands, and minor home repairs for community members looking for a helping hand.
  • Community Outreach: We organize events to support local schools, senior centers, and shelters, providing essential items like school supplies, hygiene products, and warm meals.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: We connect volunteers with opportunities to give back, ensuring that everyone in our community can contribute in meaningful ways.
  • Good Deeds Programs: From random acts of kindness to organized community service projects, we encourage and facilitate actions that spread positivity and help those in need.

Our Impact

Every day, we see the profound effects of small acts of kindness. Whether it’s the smile on a child’s face when they receive a new backpack, the relief of an elderly neighbor who gets help with their yard work, or the impact of community that can be felt at our events, we know that our efforts are making a real difference.

Join Us

We believe that everyone has the power to make a positive impact. Whether you want to volunteer your time, donate resources, or simply spread the word, your involvement can help us continue our mission of supporting small needs and performing good deeds. Together, we can build a stronger, more compassionate community. Join Be the Good Ones, and help make a difference today!

Thank you for being a Good One. Let’s make a difference, one good deed at a time!

Meet the Good Ones

Leah Ryan

Leah Ryan

President & Co-Founder

Alex Yakubovich

Alex Yakubovich


Erin Jones

Erin Jones


Be the Good Ones Volunteer


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